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25% en prime!

I am sure you have all have seen 25% en prime on your promotional bottles of shampoo or maybe during your early morning cereal box French lessons. In those cases it means 25% more!

In the case of last night it means 25% more alcohol in my blood stream than would normally be there. I have been dying for a week to tell you that I was coming to Montréal to surprise my friend Michel for his birthday! However since it was a surprise I could only let the cat out of the bag after last nights wild events!

Michel's 27th B-day

I had such a good time and the surpise rolled out perfectly. When I arrived at Pub St. Elizabeth (first stop of the night) I was so excited to see Michel and all of my other Montréal friends. It was a great atmosphere and the drinks were flowing. I decided early on to let loose and party hard with Michel.

After Pub St. Elizabeth we headed to Sky. I can’t say enough good things about this place. Previously I had only ever been to their roof top terrasse for drinks during the day. At night… whole different story. They have 5 dance floors with different music (Latin, House, Hip Hop, Pop, Electronica) on 3 levels! They had $1 shooters of Coconut Rum! They had a drag show! They had everything to make the night perfect and let me dance like Sissy from yesterday’s post!

Then I hauled Michel to Campus for the last song of the evening. That place never gets old for me! Then at 4:30 am it was finally time to head to bed. This morning I don’t think my head has ever hurt so bad but luckly that and swollen feet were my only side effects of the night. I was shocked this morning when I used an online Blood Alcohol Content calculator to determine that mine was between .23 and .25! To put that in perspective .08 you can’t drive, and .30 most people become unconsious.

Happy Birthday Buddy!

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